last minute warnings re Wagga fly.

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last minute warnings re Wagga fly.

chappo (Greg Chapman)
Hi to all attending our Wagga fly this weekend. A couple of things to be mindful of.

1. The dirt road into the range has undergone some improvements. As a result there are TWO "dips" in the track that will cause your teeth fillings to come out of your head if hit at any substantial pace. They are the two gullies AFTER the fork split in the road. There are signs saying DIP on core flute on the right of each dip but as there may be  dust about please be careful, as they are hard to see with the naked eye.

2. If travelling in and out of the range on morning or dusk there a quite a few roos about especially on O'Briens Creek Rd. Please be careful.

3. I have it on good authority that the local HWP have been seen a bit out the Mangoplah Rd due to ongoing complaints re speeding and heavy vehicles.

4. Don't forget if using a spotting scope it will have to kept low i.e. the height of your rifle on the bench to be able to see under the baffles.

Just a few things to help all the travellers out. Look forward to catching up with everyone.

"Only accurate rifles are interesting". Col Townsend Whelen