fly shooting committee to develop the sport

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fly shooting committee to develop the sport

Les Fraser
What does everyone think about the development of a committee two from each state Elected by the shooters to investigate the whole fly shooting discipline and make recommendations for change if required....

Standardise the shoot from range to range state to state.

Develop "Fly Shooting" Rule book ( i know there is the Bat Shoot and the Mossy Shoot but this is about Fly shooting)

Manage the implementation of changes as requested by the shooters

Review current practices and move forward as the sport grows

Assist clubs to run the shoots

I think be progressive with the development of this discipline don't just wait and think it will happen.........

your thoughts
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: fly shooting committee to develop the sport

Pete vM
OK Les,

As the Fly is now an official SSAA event the rules can only be changed via your state delegates thru the National Benchrest Commitee. We fairly much have a competitors committee as a result of this very forum - a subject like the rimfire 200 mt or yd gets discussed by those involved with the various ranges, majority opinion goes to the state delegate for a subsequent National vote.
Obviously only the officially sanctioned events need be discussed on this forum in the above manner. Such oddities as Bat or Mosquito or Fox shoots are the preserve of the host clubs.

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Re: fly shooting committee to develop the sport

Jugs (Jaegen)
As pete says there are now official channels but

I think it is important for all of us to continue open and honest discussions about continuing to develop flyshooting

I think we should try at least once a year to get together and see how things are getting on and what's coming up for the future

This is for two reasons one to make sure proposals can be taken to state delegates for the BR committee and two to makes sure we as a shooting group continue to encourage others by finding new ways to make it attractive to new and developing shooters
