encourage your fellow shooters to perform well......

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encourage your fellow shooters to perform well......

Les Fraser
Australia has and always will have the tall poppy syndrome where by those who perform well in any sport are subject of some unwanted attention in the way of comments such as "they have lots of money therefore better guns we can't compete with that"!

I think this attitude is detrimental to the sport and also to those people who are at the top of their game. I would think that alot of fly shooters over the past few years have started to break these barriers down by assisting their fellow shooters. I have seen and personally assisted shooters in the hope they shoot to the best of their ability and become match winners in their own right.

What does it take to win a match, Case prep, a good qaulity rifle or a rifle that shoots great groups, ability to rationalise why shoots go where they go, ability to learn from every shot.

When we are at the range between details we should talk with other shooters and get their opinions on the weather conditions and if we don't agree or offer advice we should be able to say and help each other out.

There will alway be folks who don't want to give out any information they feel may allow the other person to beat them, you  know what it would please me most of all if a person who i helped gave me a pasting on the winners list because that will mean i will try harder and find new things myself to improve.

If you look at the scores currently being shot at a match they are a good 40-50 points higher than they were 5 years ago. No doubt there  endless choices of bullets etc but one thing that hasn't changed is the Weather and the conditions on the day there is still wind, mirage and temperature fluctuations to contend with and todays shooters are much more aware of effects on accuracy than ever before.

I hope that shooters who are at shoots help fellow shooters out that way we all improve together.........

shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........