centerfire tuenrs

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centerfire tuenrs

Brad Yates
Just wondering how many (if any) use tuners on their 500m fly rigs? After seeing the recent 0.282” group in the USA  in a 600yd benchrest match using a tuner, I’m wondering why it doesn’t seem as popular here. I have used tuners on my f class rifles before and they have all been productive in maintaining tune or being able to fine tune a load to work better over a broader range of weather conditions. I know 1kBR shooters use other forms of tuners as well. Why not so many fly rifles?
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Re: centerfire tuenrs

Dave Groves
I used a tuner on my 6.5x55Ackley for several years, it worked well if you had an opportunity to check the tune in the days preceding the match at around the temperature the day of the match was going to be held, record keeping was important to be able to take advantage of the tuner.

I have had good success with my BR and .284 without the tuner but would go back to one if required.

There are a few designs, the one I used on my Centrefire extended out the end of the barrel by about 70mm and was 15% of the weight of the barrel which I came to from some of Bill Calfee’s writings somewhere.

Currently working on a new tuner for my Rimfire Fly rifle to make it a little lighter so I can shoot BR30 with the rifle and not pay any penalties for weight, I need to lose 50gms out of the tuner which should be easy.

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Re: centerfire tuenrs

Brad Yates
In reply to this post by Brad Yates
Thanks Dave

Interesting to see, gene bukys actually uses his as set and forget. The man has won a lot in SRBR.

My new rifle will sport a tuner. If set up correctly they really do help get that extra bit out of it.