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Workers and Shirkers

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Workers and Shirkers

Pete van Meurs
Hi all,

I think this post's contents are way overdue. It's time all competitors asked themselves the question - are they a worker or a shirker.

'Workers' would obviously cover the following -

Those who volunteer their time to organise and run matches and usually do much of the physical stuff
Those who do a lot of the 'behind the scenes' stuff such as target or sighter plate preparation
Assist with range set-up in any way
Work on target details
Score or assist in same
Put out flags (their own or 'club')
Help retrieve flags at the end of the day
Travel some great distance to compete (usually those who fit the above criteria in their home territory anyway!)
Other contributors - such as Les Fraser with this web-page, or sponsors of shoots
Plus whatever I have left out
Lastly -the excused - the elderly, the infirm, the beginner etc

'Shirkers' are those that have regularly attended Fly Shoots  and not filled any of the above criteria - using other shooters' flags to achieve whatever they may have achieved, literally by default . They may be forgiven if they have made significant contributions at their home range in general or to related disciplines such as 'Benchrest' or 'Full-bore' which many 'Fly' shooters also involve themselves in, or made similar contributions at their  'home' range to the benefit of other 'Fly' shooters. But, the bottom line is that for the sport to advance, the shirkers will have to become workers!

If you fit the description of a 'Shirker' you will not be missed at the next match - no names - you know how welcome you will be at the next match - not very much!  The way numbers are growing for the 'Fly' shoots we may well end up with some sort of qualifying criteria that would leave all the lazy sods at home with their TV and F...-All else.

I do not regard this as a definitive post - I welcome all constructive criticism.

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Re: Workers and Shirkers

john mc quire
               Hello Pete   i for one agree with what you have posted
                           as you know i visit and shoot at many ranges  all over australia  
                i shoot many different types of shoots   the fly being my favourite
            it is sad to see the people you refer to as shirkers  at these shoots
               they do not help in any way to run the shoot and usually do not clean up the range
           after the shoot is finished  just leave their mess for someone else to clean up
                     would a list of qualified range officers  given to the shoot organisers be of any help
             i know that a lot of shooters who are range officers at their local ranges  would be happy to
            help with the running of the fly shoots  
                         maybe another question added to the nomination form  would help

                              ARE YOU A RANGE OFFICER   ?    WOULD YOU HELP US RUN OUR SHOOT ?

                i don't think any of those people would knock back the chance to help our sport grow
                          high scores and tight groups to all
                                                                                  john mc    
  Every Shot inside the Eight Ring would be GREAT
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Re: Workers and Shirkers

Les Fraser
In reply to this post by Pete van Meurs
I agree with you to Pete, there is alot of good intentions wasted on not knowing what to do, at every shoot i look for jobs and always willing to help. Other shooters might want to help just don't know what to do. I like John's idea of putting it on the nomination i think that would help to be honest.

As for Shooting over other flags i am guilty of that only becuase i have not built mine yet however before the next shoot i will have them ready for others to shoot over too.

Shirkers are everywhere in sport, work, social get togethers as long as we keep promoting the sport positively the shirkers eventually lend a hand in some small way. They are never going to be big contributors that is left to guys like you and jugsy, and other shooters who know how it all works and prepared to go the extra mile to help out. I think perhaps it is may be approaching a time where the "fly committee" stated what all shooters are expected to do - such as clean up the range at the expiration of each shoot perhaps as a starting point.

We want the sport to be as fair and rewarding as possible and if we all pitched in it would be that much easier.....

I for one, am happy to do anything to help any range, take time off work to get new ranges going or to lend a hand at shoots whatever the case may be..........
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Workers and Shirkers

Anthony Hall
I agree with the fact that there are workers and shirkers..... every sport has that and wherever there are people that will occur.  I think it is up to us all to get in and do a bit to help everyone enjoy what we do.

I do feel however that there is room for everyone ... the more the merrier..... even the shirkers come along and pay their fees and provide competition .... the more we collect in fees, the better we can build our ranges for everyone, and the more competition there is, the more enjoyment and satisfaction there is for the winners.

We need encourage those that are shirkers to get of their arses and do their bit ....but  if they chose not to, so be it... we just collect their fees and work hard to make sure we kick their arses in the competition !!
