Wodonga 200 meter Rimfire

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Wodonga 200 meter Rimfire

Michael Bell
 On Sat 19th May the SSAA Wodonga branch will host a 200 rimfire 5 target fly match.

 Nominations or questions via Mark Anstee at markans2@outlook.com.

Mark attended the last match at Wagga & was very impressed with the way it was conducted and also the style of shooting and so hopes to introduce Fly shooting to the Wodonga members. Into the future he hopes to conduct 200 rimfire fly matches with 300 meter centre fire fly matches the next day. (Wodonga is limited to 300 meters).

This is a good chance to advance our game if you are available.

All the Best,
Michael Bell
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Re: Wodonga 200 meter Rimfire

Michael Bell
I should also have mentioned there will be a $500 prise table made available by their sponsors Elks Hunting & Fishing & Outdoor Sporting Agencies.
Prises will be available for Custom class, Factory class & Juniors.

Michael Bell
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Re: Wodonga 200 meter Rimfire

Tim  Pavey
Hi Belly,
have nominated for the shoot,
any idea of numbers so far