220 posts
Hi all,
So the Bat Shoot is a go Saturday night, bench draw done tonight with Russell, good to go.
The Bat Shoot will be run in accordance with the regular Fly rules, however there will only be a single sighter allowed on the sighter board below the target, which will be an A4 sized piece of paper. For those that don't know, the Bat Shoot is run at 300m.
There will be 2 details of 19 shooters for the Bat Shoot. I will post the bench draws (possibly with Anthony's assistance) tomorrow.
It's not looking like very many people are interested in using Factory/Varmint class rifles, but below are our rules, they are a little different from other clubs Factory/Varmint class, allowing replacement stocks and barrels within certain parameters.
There will be a sausage sizzle after the presentations and before the Bat Shoot, so people won't have to leave the range to have something to eat in between the Pro-Cal Challenge and the Bat Shoot.
Canberra Factory/Varmint class rules:
Any standard rifle from a major manufacturer (no catalogued ‘Target’ models or ‘Custom’ shop versions). A list of specialist makers whose rifles are excluded is being developed and will be listed below. Rifles, with the exception of falling block actions, must have an operational magazine (not to be used in the event). Maximum fore end stock width is 2.6"
Allowable modifications are allowed as follows: stock replacement with an aftermarket varmint or tactical model, action bedding, barrel free-floating, altering length of pull and adjustment, alteration or replacement of trigger & fitting of scopes. Rebarrelling in a factory available calibre, barrel profile, length and barrel twist. No trigger pull weight or type is specified, but the rifle must be safe and useable for field shooting.
Scope power limited to 25X. Higher powered variables to be set at 25X and taped.
Muzzle brakes are NOT permitted. If factory fitted and not readily removable they must be sleeved to make them non-functional.
Rifles may be shot from sand-bag type rests or from a bi-pod. All shots to taken from single loading only.
Conduct of matches as per normal ‘Fly" rules. Shot for both Score and Group etc.
Specialist Makers (incomplete list) –
HS Precision, Robar, Christensen, Cooper, McMillan, Sako TRG, Remington custom shop, savage target or ‘F’ class etc.
Use your imagination – if it is uncommon then it will probably find it’s way onto the list.