Vic State Fly Championships - Results

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Vic State Fly Championships - Results

Nick Aagren
A wrap up of the results for the VIC Fly Championships 2018
SOTY updates still to come.

Day 1 RF 200YD

1st Luke Easter - 255.03
2nd Tyson Trotter - 249.03
3rd Nick Aagren - 241.03

SG Luke Easter - 1.166", HS Andrew Fox - 59.01

Day 2 CF 500m

1st Tyson Trotter - 241.05
2nd Michael Bell - 239.04
3rd Grant Groves - 217.04

SG Jethro - 1.324" HS Bob Wright - 54.02

1st Tyson Trotter - 240.02
2nd Ken Perrin - 237.01
3rd Vince Vaina - 225.02

SG Grant Groves - 1.839" HG Grant Groves - 56.00

300yd Mozzie

1st Michael Bell - 287.06
2nd Nick Aagren - 287.04
3rd Tyson Trotter - 285.04

SG Tyson - 0.754" HS Belly - 59.03

