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Training / Demonstration Weekend - Success

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Training / Demonstration Weekend - Success

Anthony Hall
Hi all,

Well our Training,  / Demonstration weekend is done and it went very well.

The weather was a little unkind (it precipitated with excessive velocity).... but overall the weekend was a great one.  

Pete Van meurs did a great job (thanks Pete).... the training component was first class and covered everything from "luck" to bench technique, wind flags (from the typical propeller style to box flags, surveyors tape to squid poles etc etc,) he covered consistant reloads & load development, optics & a great Q&A opportunity on all associated topics... very well presented and professional.  

Pete also took everyone through flag reading with practical demonstrations down on the range using a Rail gun and target Cameras....  There were also lots of good value toys and tools available to spend the hard earned on :)

There were plenty of people there to learn, some new reloaders that managed to get their first ever rifle reloads done and moved on to load development and saw 6" groups with factory ammo at 200 become 4" with the first load, then about 6 loads later were putting down 1" groups !!

Les Fraser and Michael Bell presented their tools, techniques & tips and assisted people who wanted to learn.  I saw some great sharing & assistance on scope setup, bag technique & tactics all going on through the weekend.

There were more advanced reloaders & shooters there that learned new tenchiques & saw tools that they have never seen before... Some were hunters & some F Class shooters.

Overall a great opportunity to learn & see lots of new things in a social setting.

Thanks to all those that came along and made the weekend the success it was.


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Re: Training / Demonstration Weekend - Success

Les Fraser
yeh a good weekend over all can't help the rain but that is ok i am sure that all that came had a great time and at least learnt something out of time we all spent on the range.

It would please me no end to see one of the guys who came to the weekend end up in the Dirty Dozen at Canberra that would be a great achievement.

It is hard to gauge how these weekends work out but with lower numbers there was much more time spent with everyone and that can only be a help to them .

One thing i will say that if i was new to the sport i would have to revisit my reloading technique and listen to what others do. I was impressed that most held nothing back and any questions that were asked were explained as best we could.

I have had very little bench rest shooting compared to many others but i have developed a style that works for me. I had much more detailed information about wind reading that i could give to other shooters so that was my main focus.

This weekend was not as structured, do this do that training course it was more about how other shooters in the top 10% of the 500m shooters do it. I am not saying that what we do is exactly right but the results are there.

To all that came on the weekend and those who wished they did!

Read up on the sport you wish to undertake, try others suggestions but develop a style of shooting that suits you most of all.

At the end of the day you can be given as much instruction as possible but if it doesn't work for you then put it aside for now until you can see a benefit from it in the future.

I am constantly learning more and more things every time i shoot or attend a range, rifle shooting or any shooting sport is a journey so enjoy the ride............

shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Training / Demonstration Weekend - Success

Peter Varley
In reply to this post by Anthony Hall
Hi Anthony

 Traveling from the sunshine coast Queensland ( we do get rain also), i thought the weekend was a resounding success. my appreciation goes to  Anthony, Les , Peter VM, Michael Bell who presented topics for general discussion and the follow up with  practical aspects of  the group discussions. Peter VM  brought a large  range of equipment for all to get an idea of what is available to"NAIL THE FLY".
 For those who could not be there, or missed the opportunity  please don't miss the next one.
There is some great talent to help us.
Thanks to the organisers.
Peter v