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Rear Bags - What and from where....

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Rear Bags - What and from where....

Anthony Hall
I am guessing that I am not the only one that finds that different ranges require different set ups. Ours in Batemans Bay for example requires a very high rear bag and or a spacer or a low front rest as the 500 range is slightly downhill, and Wagga range is significantly up hill requiring either a lot of elevation in the front rest and or much lower rear bag setup.  Canberra from memory is somewhere in between,

Having tried both leather and Coudra, I much prefer courda with a bit of powder on them front and rear. I tried silicon spray on the leather, but it seemed to dry sticky. I haven't tried it on courda.

What variety of bags do others use ?  Where do you buy them from ?  Most of the good ones that I have seen for sale (edgewood and protektor) seem to be around 3 1/2" to 4" high to the bottom of the ears.  Where do you get lower ones ?  Custom made higher ones are available from either Protektor or edgewood.  Most gun shops seem to only sell the very basic ones (caldwell and similar).

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Re: Rear Bags - What and from where....

john mc quire
Hello  Anthony    you are correct about needing different height bags and rests to shoot the fly at all our
                       different ranges
                   i used to carry two rests and two bags and a heap of spacers to pack up the bags and rests
                  when i visited   the southern ranges
                  i have solved that problem now that i have a SEB NEO  front rest   it has about twice the height
                 adjustment range  of other rests   but i will still bring some spacers for the rear bag to batemans bay
                            --  just in case --
                  also i have used silicone sprays and baby powder talcs  for the bags and also found that they did not
                             do the job well enough   so now i use micro-fine teflon powder  and for my light gun it does
                   what i want with only one application  for the entire shoot      if it would do the same for a heavy gun
                                                     i don't know  -- only a test or two will tell  --

                                                                       john mc quire
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Re: Rear Bags - What and from where....

Anthony Hall
Hi John,  Cool.. the Seb rest seems like a great bit of kit.

Where do you get your microfine teflon powder ?


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Re: Rear Bags - What and from where....

john mc quire
Hi Anthony    i am lucky to still have some Hoppes teflon powder in a small 11.2gm  puffer bottle
                      but will try and source some from overseas suppliers when i run out
                    aJR in townsville got some from a musical store  for use on keyboards
                       if i manage to find some i will bring it down to the batemans bay shoot  for you to try
                     the teflon powder only needs to be applied once at the start of a shoot  and you don't need
                   much on a bag to get it to slide smoothly  
                            see you in batemans bay
  Every Shot inside the Eight Ring would be GREAT