QLD State Fly Championships postponed.

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QLD State Fly Championships postponed.

Shane C

Notice: COVID – 19 update 18/03/2020 11:30 am

Family Open Day
CSD State Championships
IRB Rimfire Groups State Championships
Fly shoot State Championships

Rendezvous Shoot

SAFETY COURSES will now be limited to 10 people.

SSAA QLD has notified SSAA Mackay that they recommend the postponement of events that are scheduled for the near future.

SSAA Mackay wish to advise that events affected by this recommendation will be at this point the Family Open Day, CSD State Championships, State IRB Rimfire Groups Championships and Fly Shoot State Championships this will be reassessed 1st July 2020.

SSAA Mackay in consultation with the organisers of "The Rendezvous Shoot" have decided to cancel the Rendezvous Shoot.

Club shoots/ public opening, these currently remain open as decisions are made updates will be released.

This is a very fluid situation and as new information arrives, recommendations will change. We will do our best to keep all informed and up to date as new information comes to hand.
HEAT MIRAGE DEFINITION: When the fly wont stay still... making swatting it very difficult.