Pictures of loan rifle in Rifle Build setion

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Pictures of loan rifle in Rifle Build setion

Les Fraser
Hi flyshooters please check out the Rifle Build section there are two photo's of the loan rifle that is now on offer. Special mention to those who have donated and helped with some of the components and work. cheers and good shooting to you all.

See you all at the Nationals in Canberra in two weeks - bring your "A" game... There will be some fantastic shooting at this event i am sure.................

cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Pictures of loan rifle in Rifle Build setion

Anthony Hall
Nice mate,

Looks great and its fantastic to see the support you have been getting.

I am sure you will do a great job of the load development once you get the Bergers ....

What an opportunity for someone to have a go and potentially be up there in the results !!

You better have your "A" game on in light gun.... !!
We will all give you plenty of stick when someone beats you with it !! Can't wait :)

