Has the fly turned to business shooting only

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Has the fly turned to business shooting only

Les Fraser
Shoots in 2012 have been tremendous to say the least but some shooters have stated that the fun has gone out of the sport and it is becoming an arms race and business like.

I personally think this is true to some extent but i feel this is due to the pursuit of better scores chasing records and looking for that  elusive win at 500m.

Having only been shooting the fly seriously for about three years now i can only recall how it felt when i first started. And it is true that a lot of shooters were having less serious approaches to the shoot often laughter and a little sledging went on and that added to the atmosphere.

It would be a shame to see the fly go down the track of all business and no fun.

I guess one of the best aspects of this sport is that you are only competing against yourself all day and the only backside to kick is your own.

For the fly to continue to grow we all should look at ways to get new shooters keen to shoot, does anyone have any ideas to achieve this if so post em up and lets see if they have some substance.

I am keen to see new people post on here as there only seems to be a few contributors but a lot of lookers.......
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Has the fly turned to business shooting only

Dave Purcell
Les this is not directed at you but ....
What a load of crap.
Anyone who made the comment that the fun has gone out of the Fly should be selling their gear and taking up bowls.
Yes its a competitive sport. Yes if you expect to win or at least get close you have to be a bit serious about what your doing.
If you think you can rock up to a match have a giggle and leave with the woodwork your a tosser. This applies to all competitive sports not just Fly shooting.
If you cant have a laugh with your mates and enjoy the shoot while being serious about the actual event then you need to read RULE 10.
All new shooters who make the effort to talk to the older hands get all the help and acceptance they could possibly need try that in most other shooting disciplines or sports for that matter.
End of rant
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Re: Has the fly turned to business shooting only

Anthony Hall
Gee Dave, why don't you say what you really think :)... Unlike you to have a rant....

Seriously though, I agree .... the shoots are fun and the fun has not gone anywhere..., we get to poke fun at each other & have a laugh .... but as the level of competition has increased, so has the intensity required required to stay in the top half of the leaderboard....

I would argue that it is this intensity that adds to the appeal...it makes us all want to spend time and money on travel, careful reloading and equipment....... if you want low pressure simple fun events..... that is what club shoots are for.... the registered SOTY matches are for serious competition... That means strict rule enforcement and a competitive environment. But we can also have a bit of fun with side bets, sledging, State of Origin and talking shit after the shoots.

It is a great group of people, everyone is willing to offer advice and we don't hide what we are doing to improve.... some sports are clouded in secrecy and just all about winning.... Fly shooting is difficult and sure it is competitive at the top of the field...... but it's a great sport.

It might seem a bit more demanding because of all the shoots that are now on..... if you want to go to all or most of them.... it is a lot of time and work..... but that is also a good thing, we have the choice to go to whatever we want.

Anyway..... It looks like Dave P is selling all his gear to take up bowls..... so maybe the competition has got a bit much :)


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Re: Has the fly turned to business shooting only

Dave Purcell
Maybe not taking up bowls but certainly selling gear so if anyone wants anything ask, I may just have it and be looking to offload it.