Batemans Bay Results

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Batemans Bay Results

Anthony Hall
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Huge weekend at Batemans Bay, ending up with 75 Centrefire positions shot and an all time rimfire record of 53 individual competitors !!  Weather was terrific, very cold but clear and sunny with light winds all weekend.  Thank you to all those who travelled and participated to make it such a good weekend.

Full results are here;
or as an excel file here

Congratulations to Grant Groves for the Outright Centrefire win on Saturday taking the State Championship Medal, Trophy and the 4KG AR2208 and to David Zucconi for taking the outright win in Rimfire earning the State Championship medal, trophy and brick of Eley Match ammo.

The two day Combined winner was Ken Perrin.

Juniors were well represented, with Stella Cross first, William Bailey Second and Calum Groves Third in Centrefire, Keegan McGrann was first in rimfire, with Stella Cross & Paris Thompson second and third.

There were Screamer Groups shot by Grant Groves & Michael Bell in Centrefire & Leanne Ambrose and Anthony Hall in Rimfire and Bob Coulter won the lucky door prize of a Brick of Eley Black ammo.

Huge shout out and thank you to all the volunteers who made the weekend amazing !! Kitchen Staff were excellent, Target Crew were the fastest I have ever seen, scorers, data entry and all the club volunteers did a great job.  Thank you also to Charlies Tool Time in Batemans Bay for donating one of the bricks of Eley Black ammo for the prize table.



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Re: Batemans Bay Results

John 23 Harris
Thanks Anthony for a first class match

See you on the next one
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Re: Batemans Bay Results

David Dundas
In reply to this post by Anthony Hall
Great club, Great people, Great shoot.

Thank you to Batemans Bay and all the helpers who made it a great weekend, its the little things that makes it all that much better. Big shout out to Anthony who not only did a mountain of work but also shot both days, incredible effort well done!
The weekend went off so smoothly which was a feat in itself with so many starters and extra details to get thru, it ran like a well oiled machine.
The weather was some of the best we have seen and the shooting was excellent with heaps of great scores and groups from so many of the shooters. Was great to see some new faces on the line including 5 juniors doing so well.
With so many shooting so well it was something special if you made it in the top ten on either day.
Congratulations to all the winners over the 2 days, they won some great prizes which were put up by the club and sponsors.
I think Fly shooting was a winner this weekend, well done to all those in attendance which made it a great shoot.


Dave Dundas