Accommodation at the Mac Intosh range?

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Accommodation at the Mac Intosh range?

Sebastian Lambang

I can't find/locate accommodation in the shooting range complex, someone can help?
My wife would'nt come along with me, so I think I would stay at the range during the match - if this possible...?
The Rydges Eagle Hawk seems too expensive for me.
Hotel in Canberra would be far also...

FYI, I will be arrived in Canberra/Mac Intosh range on March 8 Thursday morning and back home on March 12 Monday morning.

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Re: Accommodation at the Mac Intosh range?

Dave Groves
Hi Seb,
             there is some room for people to sleep in the clubhouse at SSAA and there are a few beds in the "old clubhouse" which is actually quite comfortable at the Canberra Rifle Club.

SSAA is $10 per night and CRC is $11 per night, this is just so that water and power are covered and the clubs are not going backwards for allowing people to camp overnight.

There are beds in the accommodation at CRC, but you need a sleeping bag or swag to sleep in. No beds in the SSAA area, people bring their own.


Dave Groves.
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Re: Accommodation at the Mac Intosh range?

Les Fraser
In reply to this post by Sebastian Lambang
Hi Seb if you wan't i can throw my swag in if you want it to sleep in. Let me know, also staying on the range it great fun you get to talk with the other shooters and it really adds to the atmosphere.

Bring ear plugs with you if you are staying in the club house as there are a few REAL heavy snorers, one i particular may or may not survive another year of keeping everyone awake.

I solved the problem i will be in a caravan..........

cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Accommodation at the Mac Intosh range?

Sebastian Lambang
Thanks you so much for the info & kind offer Dave & Les! It is much appreciated!

I'll probably stay at the range/CRC for one or two nights and a night or two at the Rydges Eagle Hawk...depends on the situation/condition at the time.
I might bring an inflatable air bed as it would be handier also.

Q: Should I need to book a bed at the CRC upfront?... Contact info or fax?
