2020 Fly Shoot Nationals Preliminary Bench Draws

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2020 Fly Shoot Nationals Preliminary Bench Draws

Dave Groves
Hi All,
            Please find attached the preliminary bench draws for:

Heavy Gun - Saturday 7 March

Light Gun - Sunday 8 March; and

Rimfire - Monday 9 March

I have spent about 4 hours putting together the bench allocations to attempt to accommodate all of the share requests across the 97 individuals, there are very few that I know I couldn't accommodate, but I request that if you had a share request you asked for, you contact me if it has not been accommodated.

Please review at your earliest convenience, the finals will be posted on Thursday evening at the range.






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Re: 2020 Fly Shoot Nationals Preliminary Bench Draws

Anthony Hall
Hi Dave,

Looks good mate, there is a bloody lot of work there....

I know you said 4 hours putting it together..,... but from experience with the 1/2 hour here & there, the email chains, lists and preliminary work, I reckon there is more like 15 hours work done to make that 3 day bench draw happen !!

