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2015 Calendar

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2015 Calendar

Deane Thrower
147 posts
Hi Guys/Gals

Just thought I'd ask the question in relation to next years calendar, do we envisage the events to be held on the same weekends as this year, obviously the dates would be a day or so out. I'm just trying to get a feel as for me being a rostered worker who works every second weekend I will to try and arrange time off. If the events stay on the same weekend next year I am off those weekends at this stage up to the end of March.


Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
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Re: 2015 Calendar

Anthony Hall
697 posts
Hi Deane,

Yes mate, much the same weekends.....but I will have a full calendar up for 2015 in the next few days...

I will post on here as soon as it is up.


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Re: 2015 Calendar

Anthony Hall
697 posts

The 2015 Calendar is up on the calendar tab of the web site.... the only dates I haven't confirmed yet are the Little River shoot in November and the Harry Madden Fly in Brisbane in November.

Please check them out for me and advise if you see any errors !!


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Re: 2015 Calendar

Tim  Pavey
53 posts
 Hi guys,
just wanted to point out that  the Bay shoot in June is the same weekend as the Southern Cross 1000 yard Championships at Narromine.

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Re: 2015 Calendar

Anthony Hall
697 posts
Hi Tim,

The Bay Fly shoot has been that same weekend for the last 4 years that I have been running it (2011, 2012, 2013 & 2014) .....  

Who scheduled the Narromine shoot and how many shooters will want to go to both ?


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Re: 2015 Calendar

john mc quire
180 posts
Hello Anthony    I am one of the shooters who would like to shoot both shoots  -- and if they do stay on the dates where they are now  posted on  -- it will be very hard to decide which one to go to  --

                               john mc  
  Every Shot inside the Eight Ring would be GREAT
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Re: 2015 Calendar

Tim  Pavey
53 posts
The Narromine shoot was scheduled by Dave Goodridge a while ago,  was listed in a post on Benchrest Bulletin in the Longshot Louie forum.

Shooters from  as far away as Townsville and mackay usually attend. I have already sent my nominations to Dave for the shoot.

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Re: 2015 Calendar

Les Fraser
697 posts
hi all first chance to get to a computer, the fly shoots have been on the calendar weekends for years now and this is how it will remain, the movement of other shooting disciplines is always a tough juggle. I am one shooter who shoots four different disciplines and choices have to be made. I have been posting on Benchrest bulletin when fly shoots are on and on our site when short range is on but there isn't much value in this as most only shoot one discipline.

So if John and Tim are at Narromine when the bay is on that is a real shame but there are only so many weekends and so little time to organise. If Anthony shifts the bay shoot (which is not really fair) there will be many shooter who cannot then make that weekend. It all comes out in the wash and we will see Tim and john at another shoot somewhere as their preference is the 1000yard in this case.

cheers to all
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: 2015 Calendar

Rod Davies
43 posts
In reply to this post by Anthony Hall
Doh, I was hoping to get to both. They are both shoots that I would take some annual leave for.
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Re: 2015 Calendar

Anthony Hall
697 posts
Unfortunately this year they conflict....  Have been in contact with Dave Goodridge ....  and they are unable to move dates...

And Batemans Bay being an approved and registered match is not able to be moved... the week before is a non shooting weekend at our range and the weekend after is a registered benchrest match at silverdale....

The good news is that as the Narromine shoot is usually the first weekend of NSW school holidays..... and my shoot is always the 4th weekend in June.... it is appears to be only about  once in every 5 years or so that we will conflict with each other...

